Shah Rukh Khan and Vijay are the two top actors in their respective fields, and both of their most recent films have made enormous sums of money at the box office. Many fans would like to see the two stars together on a huge screen, despite the fact that we have seen them praising one another. The good news for their respective fan bases is that Vijay and Shah Rukh Khan are likely to collaborate on Shankar's upcoming film. According to reports, director Shankar, who excels at producing big-budget movies, is developing a dual-hero underwater sci-fi movie with a budget of about Rs 900 crores.

The mega-budget movie is reportedly being discussed by two well-known production companies, according to the most recent rumour from an internet portal. However, since the movie might take longer, the final decision would depend on if Shah Rukh Khan and Vijay are available. Once he completes "RC 15" and "Indian 2," Shankar will leave the project. But the presence of Vijay and Shah Rukh Khan in Shankar's film will undoubtedly shatter box office records, therefore let's hope that the project follows the original course.

It is important to note that Vijay is rumoured to have a cameo in Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film, "Jawaan," the Tamil director Atlee's Bollywood debut.

Shah Rukh Khan has "Jawaan" and "Dunki" scheduled for release this year. He has been enjoying the success of "Pathaan" at the box office. On the other hand, Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj have started shooting the bulk of "Leo," which is scheduled to hit theatres over the Pooja holidays.