The release of Vijay Antony's upcoming movie "Pichaikkaran 2," a music composer turned actor, is rapidly approaching. The movie's creators initially released the first four minutes of the movie as a marketing ploy, but they have now revealed that the movie will debut on April 14, 2023, which is Tamil New Year's Day.

With "Pichaikkaran 2," Vijay Antony makes his feature film directing debut. Vijay Antony, John Vijay, and Hareesh Paredi are among the actors that appear in the movie, but the most of the cast's identities have been kept a mystery. Vijay Antony posted in a tweet announcing the movie's release: "Do you like to see a mass beggar from Dubai? Visit theatres near you on April 14th."

The summer release date for "Pichaikkaran 2," which will be available in Tamil and Telugu, has been set. The concept of a brain transplant appears to be at the centre of the narrative.