With the movies "LKG," "Mookuthi Amman," and "Veetla Vishesham," RJ Balaji, a supporting actor who later became a hero, has already had three hits as a lead. The great actor has returned with his fourth movie starring him as a hero, and "Run Baby Run" has just been released in theatres (Feb 3). RJ Balaji has chosen to work with director Jiyen Krishnakumar on a thriller movie for the first time after consistently producing comedic dramas.

 Fans were impressed with the major actors' performances, the soundtrack, and Jiyen Krishnakumar's writing, and the movie looks very different from RJ Balaji's earlier productions. The film was made more interesting by an engaging second half that followed an intense first half packed with action. The thriller drama will undoubtedly keep you glued to your seats. Fans have also been startled by Jiyen Krishnakumar's unexpected turns as the mystery is revealed in the climax. The film is expected to be another hit for RJ Balaji because early screenings have generally received favourable reviews.

Jiyen Krishnakumar is the director of the film "Run Baby Run," which stars RJ Balaji in the lead role and Aishwarya Rajesh in a pivotal supporting role. The picture had a respectable day 1 occupancy and has taken up a respectable number of screens thanks to the premiere's favourable reviews.