The renowned director K Vishwanath has passed away. He was best known in Tamil for his acting work in the movies Yaaradi Nee Mohini, Rajapattai, Lingaa, and Uttama Villain. Today, the five-time National Film Award winner passed away at his Hyderabad home. He was 92 years old and experiencing aging-related problems.

In 2016, director K Vishwanath won the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, the highest honour given to the Indian cinema industry. He received seven Nandi Awards for his outstanding services to the film industry. In the Telugu-Tamil film Pathala Bhairavi, which was released in 1951, the renowned director made his debut as an assistant director.

With the Telugu film "Aatma Gowravam," which received the Nandi Award for Best Feature Film, Viswanath made his directorial debut in 1965. With the critically acclaimed classic "Sankarabharanam," which is now regarded as one of his best works, he rose to prominence as a director.

Few people, including famous Telugu director and actor K Vishwanath, are considered by Kamal Haasan, an all-around talent in the movie business, as his gurus. At K Vishwanath's home in Hyderabad in November of last year, he had even recently met the renowned director.

Following the success of the original version, K Vishwanath's Telugu film "Saagara Sangaman," which stars Kamal Haasan in the lead role, was later dubbed in Tamil with the title "Salangai Oli," and the dubbed version was also a tremendous hit. It was K Vishwanath's sole Tamil-language film. But the seasoned actor has appeared in a number of Tamil movies alongside Kamal Haasan, R Parthiban, Ajith, Vijay, Chiyaan Vikram, and Suriya, among others.