The cast and crew of "Thangalaan," directed by Pa Ranjith, were encamped in Chennai for the film's principal photography. The team just finished filming in Chennai and had a break, but they have since reassembled and begun the next schedule of shooting at the Kolar Gold Fields in Karnataka.

Siddarth Srinivas on Twitter: "Gorgeous @MalavikaM_ lands in Chennai for the shoot of #Thangalaan. Pics by @CECapture_ 👌🏻 / Twitter"

Gorgeous @MalavikaM_ lands in Chennai for the shoot of #Thangalaan. Pics by @CECapture_ 👌🏻

Malavika Mohanan, Parvathy Thiruvothu, and Pasupathy Masilamani also have significant roles in the upcoming film. According to rumours, the movie's plot is based on a true incident that took place in the Kolar Gold Factory in British-ruled Karnataka. According to reports, the shooting will continue according to plan for close to six weeks and be finished by the end of March.

At the beginning of the shoot, the movie has been moving along quickly. The movie will also be shot in 3D, according to producer Gnanavel Raja, who is funding the project under his Studio Green label. The film, he continued, is being prepared on a huge scale and will also be shot in Hindi. Also, the team intends to shoot in 3D, which will be a visual treat for the audience.