The dynamic actor's next film, titled "Vaathi," will be a Tamil-Telugu bilingual. Dhanush is prepared to release it. The movie's release date has been set for this Friday, February 17, and reservations are now being accepted everywhere. The most recent information is that Dhanush's "Vaathi" has now undergone theatre censorship, been certified as "U" by the board, and has been censored in the U before its release. The movie's duration will be approximately 2 hours and 19 minutes, and Dhanush will deliver another sharp production.

The film "Vaathi" aka "Sir," which is being directed by Venky Atluri, is expected to make a point on education, and Dhanush would be strongly challenging the educational system through his dialogue. Samuthirakani portrays the antagonist, while Samyuktha plays the leading heroine. The music was composed by GV Prakash Kumar, and the songs have effectively raised awareness of the movie. The movie's trailer provided a clear overview of the plot, and this weekend, watch it with loved ones and friends for a fun family outing.

In the meantime, the Telugu press and media have been praising the movie since its recent Hyderabad premiere of "Vaathi," also known as "Sir." The FDFS for "Vaathi," which is expected to be Dhanush's biggest release, will begin at 8 AM IST nationwide. The multilingual play will take place on the border between Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, and it is appropriately constructed to appeal to both Telugu and Tamil audiences simultaneously.