Thalapathy Vijay's "Varisu" has faced stiff competition from Ajith Kumar's most recent film, "Thunivu," which has proven to be one of his best works overall. The mass hero's upcoming film, "AK 62," ought to have begun production by now, but there is now significant turbulence at that end.

A few months ago, Lyca Productions and Vignesh Shivan revealed they would be directing and composing the soundtrack for the film "AK 62." Few days before the shoot began, rumours surfaced that Ajith and Lyca did not like the script Vignesh Shivan had written after eight months of pre-production. The successful film director has subsequently delinked himself from the endeavour by updating his social media bios and removing the tweet that announced the movie.

The hot favourite to direct "AK 62" is reportedly director Magizh Thirumeni of "Thadam" fame, who has signed on for a significant salary. There are currently unconfirmed rumours that "Sardar" director P.S. Mithran wrote the script for the movie.

According to sources close to Lyca, all confirmations surrounding "AK 62" will be made public relatively soon. To find out what surprises this massive undertaking has in store, we will need to wait a bit longer.