One of the most eagerly awaited upcoming Tamil movies, "Leo," which stars Vijay in the title role, is scheduled for a pan-Indian release. With the recent release of a BTS video, DOP Manoj Paramahamsa has confirmed that "Leo" would be a visual delight. Manoj Paramahamsa, who previously worked on the films "Nanban" and "Beast," is handling the camera for Vijay's movie for the third time, and the inventive cinematography intends to produce a great film. The V RAPTOR XL is being used by Manoj Paramahamsa to shoot some of "Leo," marking the first time in Tamil cinema that the multi-format camera has been employed. In addition, two raptors and the young Komodo are being used by Manoj Paramahamsa to film "Leo".

Leo is becoming bigger and better every day, and Kashmir is where the movie is presently being filmed. By the end of March, the "Leo" team's itinerary in Kashmir should be finished, and they will travel back to Chennai to begin their subsequent schedule. Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, and Priya Anand are anticipated to shortly join the cast of "Leo," which already has Mysskin and Gautham Menon wrapped up with their filming.

Leo, a gangster action movie directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, is said to star Vijay and Trisha in the key roles. The soundtrack is being composed by Anirudh Ravichander, and the movie is scheduled to premiere on October 19, 2023, in honour of Ayudha Pooja.