According to the most recent rumour making the rounds on social media, Mani Ratnam's "Ponniyin Selvan 2" has been delayed from release in April. The historical drama uses large visual frames, and it is well known that the producers hired professionals from all around the world to work on the picture. According to the most recent news, however, the post-production work has been delayed because of a technical difficulty, and the producers are looking for a fresh release. A source close to the production company, however, has told ETimes that Mani Ratnam's "Ponniyin Selvan 2" would really be released on April 28 as scheduled.

As per a source, "The movie's post-production work is going well and steadily, and the creators will soon make a surprise announcement since they have some interesting plans for the advertising of the movie. So, the most recent rumour about the film's postponement that is going around on social media is merely a rumour."