With the recently released digital series "Farzi," created by Raj and DK, Vijay Sethupathi made his acting debut. The series premiered on the OTT platform on February 3 and received favourable reviews. It had leading performances by Shahid Kapoor, Vijay Sethupathi, Kay Kay Menon, Raashi Khanna, Bhuvan Arora, and Regina Cassandra.

Arabic, German, English, Castilian, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Malayalam, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Tamil, Telugu, and Turkish are just a few of the languages that have had the series dubbed. Vijay Sethupathi was able to speak Hindi, but due to time restrictions, he was unable to dub for his Tamil roles. 

The actor recently met TSK, a Tamil dubbing artist who worked on the film "Farzi" with Vijay Sethupathi. The artist's ability to almost sound like Vijay Sethupathi made the actor thrilled. TSK tweeted, "That once-in-a-lifetime settlement moment. I appreciate your time, hug, gratitude, and kind words, @VijaySethuOffl anna. I really enjoyed the #Farzi dubbing experience, and I appreciate your kind thoughts about me very much. The voice actor posted a picture of him and Together with a note the actor had written for the actor, Vijay Sethupathi kissed each other on the cheek.

"Hi TSK," read Vijay Sethupathi's note in Tamil. Meeting you was a delight. I really appreciate you adding "Farzi"; it was wonderful. You'll get everything you want.